Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 12 Days of Blogmas: Day Twelve--the OMG I've actually rejoined Weight Watchers edition

Hey, everybody! I'm fat again.

And with a BlissDom in February, a college reunion in May, and BlogHer in July, I need to get ready to deal with my public. And that means joining the gym and starting the diet.

The thing is, I'm re-joining a gym I used to go to about 10 years ago. And Weight Watchers? Wasn't it just two years ago I lost almost 20 pounds doing that?

I'm like the new Alfred E. Neuman: What me, yo-yo? God, I'm such a cliché. I feel so sheepish. Sheepish and hungry.

I'm a cliché who's lightheaded from hunger, so I'd better get on with the contest before I faint dead away.

Because it's the final day of the contest. The first person to figure out what popular Christmas song is illustrated with the following record album covers wins a Mamarazzi t-shirt.

I just hope the sound of my stomach rumbling doesn't prevent you from concentrating, that's all.

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