Monday, November 5, 2007

NaBloPoMo 5: It would be wonderful if the following activities burned lots of calories:

1. Driving
2. Blabbing people's heads off
3. Blow-drying my hair
4. Sitting in my son's IEP meeting
5. Wondering whether I was going to be late to my daughter's Girl Scout Meeting
6. Feeling my daughter's forehead; deciding she's running a fever; bringing her home
7. Bringing my daughter a cup of tea in bed
8. Sorting laundry
9. Hauling wet clothes out of the washing machine
10. Folding clothes and putting them away

and, of course, in a perfect world, the top calorie-burning activity would be

11. blogging

But nooooooo ... that's not enough activity. That won't squeeze the fat out of my fat cells. So I hopped around on the elliptical for an hour, and then swam 14 lengths of the pool. Which is only something like a seventeenth of a mile.

Can anyone tell me WHY I signed up for a sprint Triathlon? I can't figure it out. I may be losing fat cells, but I'm losing brain cells, too.

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