Saturday, July 14, 2007

And now, I would like to thank the little people ...

So that reporter from North Shore Magazine and I had a little chat on the telephone, and I guess that means I've been interviewed. You know--officially.

See, I've decided that there are two ways to be asked questions. One is when someone asks you a kind of predictable question, where you've actually thought about it a little bit, and you can come up with a normal-sounding answer:

Friend of Nine-Year-Old Poppy: So, Poppy--what do you want to be when you grow up?
Poppy: I want to be a judge on the Miss America pageant, because, frankly, they need help. Or maybe write children's books.

Friend of Nineteen-year-old Poppy: So, Poppy ... have you given any more thought to that whole going-to-college thing?
Poppy: Not really. But I have to do something soon, because living at home sucks.

That's the normal way to get asked a question.

Then there's the interview way. I think interviewers are supposed to surprise--or, in extreme cases, blindside--you with questions that you've never thought of, to get you to say something really juicy and memorable.

So this guy asked me what was the weirdest thing about me. And I couldn't think what it was. Not because I think I'm normal, mind you. No, it's because I'm a veritable Symphony in Weirdness. I mean, where do I begin? Exactly.

So if you have any insights, do me a favor and tell me. Because right now, the only thing I can think of is that I never watch TV.

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