Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Sun is Shining

And that's all the good news I have to report.

No, wait. Today is That Stud Muffin I Married's and my wedding anniversary. This makes 18 years of near bliss, except for that part where I had post-partum depression, and the time I was so constipated I was literally rolling around on the floor in agony, and the time I found out that I was carrying a perfectly healthy baby except it was a boy, so I dissolved into tears right there on the sidewalk outside the amniocentesis place and had to be led to the car, and pretty much any time I'm on a diet or haven't had enough caffeine, or like right now, have Nomia, which, if you haven't been reading this blog for a long time, is how my daughter pronounces pneumonia.

She had Nomia last week, and this week my son and I have joined her in coughing and coughing and coughing. And not a dry cough, either. But that's all you'll hear from mucus-ridden me. Because this blog is not about creepy stuff like mucus or constipation or mental illness. No matter how well that works for dooce.

No, today is my wedding anniversary, and I got two presents, yay!
Isn't my husband smart? When his wife gets all geeky over the Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin novels, his reaction is exactly the right one: feed the monster so that it may grow and take over even more of her life.

And my presents to my spouse? Are the white tie accessories I went out and bought for him. I mean, he's paying for them, but my present is that I took the trouble to go out and find them. (Please click on that link and read my report on shopping for men's formal wear, no matter how uninteresting you find it, because it took a really long time to pull together, and I'm sick, and have I mentioned it's my anniverary? Call it an anniversary present.)

I got pancakes in bed this morning. And presents! And my two new books are so perfect, I can't even begin to describe my bliss.

I'll also be getting a new laptop soon. Typing in blog entries on this one, which has a big-ass crack (um ... not a big ass crack, no matter what you Googlers think) in the screen is getting ridiculously difficult. I'm thinking a new laptop with a 17 inch screen would be nice. To keep the cost down, which I really should do, since this will be my fourth laptop because I KEEP DROPPING THEM, I'll get a big heavy one that I won't want to carry anywhere. But that means another present for me, yay!

And it's not hailing, and tornados aren't about to decimate the neighborhood, unlike Friday night. It's not even raining! Which it's done five out of the past seven days.

Now if this place could just stop sounding like a tuberculosis ward, with everyone coughing their lungs out (cough cough cough SPLAT. Whoops, there goes another one) everything would be groovy.

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