Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Big changes--updated!

I didn't mention it before, but one of the things we did while we were in CA was meet with the partners of a very large law firm that had been trying to recruit my husband for a long time.

Well, they just called and made him the proverbial offer you can't refuse. He accepted the job, which will be starting on June 15th. A week after the kids get out of school.

So rather than getting my house in order for us to enjoy, I'm getting it ready to put it on the market. Like yesterday.

And so I've spent all morning on the phone with real estate agents.

It's all pretty mind-boggling.

But how can I give up this?

Or this?

When it's snowing outside even as I write?

I mean, let's put this in perspective. How hard can it be to move across country when it means I'll never have to shovel snow again as long as I live?

APRIL FOOL!!! she shouted like the dolt she is.

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