Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Are we not mental? We are bloggers.

I was killing time waiting for the idiotic babysitter to call me and tell me that she's lost. Again. And I figured it was time to catch up on some of my blogs. Many of which are mommyblogs.

And while I was reading, I discovered that blogger A was over-reacting to that, and blogger B was over-reacting to this, and I started to wonder: are all mommybloggers mental?

Am I being subjective, or is this an independently verifiable fact? Is there some kind of depressive miasma that engulfs you when you start to blog? Or was it there to begin with? In fact, did the depression cause the blogging?

And such drama! Over ... not very much. Is it real, or is it Memorex? Is it everyone, or is it just Finslippy?

Because today Finslippy was talking about her son having meltdowns all over the map--weeping hysterically because he's hungry or the other kids aren't being friendly. And she's getting hundreds of supportive comments from various people, all about the awful grown-ups who say the wrong, insensitive thing to a child who is having a tantrum at their feet. While they're waiting for what they hoped would be a nice, relaxing lunch.

And--because I'm an asshole and just can't help it--I find myself thinking not "Oh, poor Alice." No, my first thought is "Have you had Henry evaluated by a mental health professional?"

Am I totally alone in this, or is reading some of the blogs out there ... kind of a like watching a trainwreck? I mean, when you have a blogger who admits to being on meds ... am I the only person IN THE WORLD who thinks there might be a chance that the child has problems, too?

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