Saturday, November 17, 2012

Overcoming Inertia, Part II: Practice

This post is a follow-up to yesterday's, where, in a rather long-winded fashion (as is my wont) I eventually made a point (I hope). Which is this: you know you're serious about an activity when you feel the need to pull together a working wardrobe for it. And over the course of about six months where I spent four to six hours at the gym, this is what happened to me.

Eventually I replaced my washed-out Smith College and Boston Red Sox t-shirts with plain shirts that don't plaster lettering all over The Balcony. My long sweatpants, baggy capris, and (I kid you not) velour track suits have also disappeared. The brown, navy, black shades have been replaced with black, gray, and white.

These are the things I like. Except for shoes, I have at least three of everything on this list, so there is always something clean to wear.

1. Shock Absorber Maximum Control Wire Free Sports Bra

Whether I'm doing a Jillian Michael's DVD or working with my trainer, it's wise to dress like a runner who is planning on running a marathon during an earthquake. 

These bras provide Level 4 compression/lack of bounce.

It looks a little odd, but I think the double two-hook closure makes a difference. This baby is jumping jacks-ready! It's available at Her Room and Bare Necessities for $69. (Her Room has some bright colored ones on sale for $49, and Bare Necessities is currently offering 15 percent off.)

Gap Essential Scoop Neck T-Shirt

These t-shirts are a little more low-cut than I'd usually wear to the gym, but no one is looking at my cleavage, and it does help me stay cool.

The cotton is a nice, thick weight, and the fit is loose without being baggy. I previously mentioned buying seven of these using Gap Rewards gift cards. I'm thrilled to have a nice stack of new t-shirts. This shirt only comes in black, white, and gray (for the fashion-forward.) $14.50.

Victoria's Secret Supermodel Capris

Yes, Victoria's Secret. And don't think I don't feel a little silly shopping there.

These capris come with a variety of colored waistbands. Not surprisingly, I opt for the black-on-black style. I wear them higher than the model; they fit right under my navel and end higher on the leg. The fit in the leg is perfect; not skin tight, but not baggy. There is a slight flare at the bottom which looks cute and probably allows some extra ventilation. They wash and dry well, and unlike the ones I got from Athletica, they don't end up a snarling, static-y mess when I pull them out of the dryer. These are available for $59.50.

Puma footies

I got so tired of various minor variations in the style and weight of my sports socks. I kept not noticing the differences when I paired them when I was folding laundry, and ending up heading out wearing mismatched socks.

I chucked them all and replaced them with two six packs of footies.

Cross Trainers

I have  two pairs, and I alternate them. They say you should alternate dress shoes every day, and I figured it can't hurt to alternate sports shoes. The Reeboks are slightly wider through the arch, but the Nikes fit better in the heel.

That's it!

I work out indoors in a gym, so I pretty much wear the same thing year round. I add a sweatshirt in really cold weather, but I drive to the gym, so I don't really need to worry about dressing for the weather.

I'm in the market for a really good gym bag, though, so if anyone has any suggestions, comment away!

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