Monday, July 3, 2006

Call me "La Sonambula"

Which, if you didn't know it (and if I spelled it correctly) is Italian for "sleepwalker." (That's "sleep," not "street," she hastened to add.)

Anyway, that's what I am these days. A sleepwalker. Not because I'm sleep-deprived. It's because I'm a sleep glutton. I'm pigging out on slumber. I don't think I've gotten this much sleep since I first spawned, lo these many years ago. When I stay up late at night, I'm not feeling guilty; I'm selfishly watching as many old weird movies as I want--plus all the DVD extras--rejoicing in the fact that I can sleep as late as I want next morning.

We are a bit more than halfway through our New Hampshire visit, so I think it's fair to post a review. This is the greatest vacation of my entire life. My entire life, people. Precisely because we haven't done anything much. Which--because I'm a sloth--is the way I like it.

There are only two things I want from a vacation: the first is the chance to sleep late. The second is to not clean the kitchen. Everything else--shopping, sight-seeing, walking around looking at quaintness, drinking exotic drinks, eating exotic foods--is gravy.

This vacation has been perfect because we don't even have a kitchen to clean. Dinner is salads or sandwiches on paper plates and boom! done.

Suffice to say, we haven't done much. We manage to get out for some kind of outing every day, but it's modest. So, first day, we went to the nearest clam shack and had lobster rolls. Second day, we headed in to Portsmouth, went to Harpoon Willie's down by the water, had more lobster rolls and some locally-brewed beer, and to Annabelle's for yummy super-premium ice cream. Third day we drove up to the Yorks, had dinner at Foster's Clam Bake, and ice cream at The Scoop--I tried out the Grape-Nut Custard flavor (don't worry if this seems inexplicable--it's a Maine thing.)

Today we drove to Boston to have lunch with my in-laws. On the way to the Taiwan Cafe, we walked past the Swan Boats and duck statues in the Public Garden, and the Frog Pond in the Common. I know, I know--how strenuous. I must have burned a good 40 calories strolling around.

Otherwise, I'm sitting around reading P. G. Wodehouse, or one of the monstrous stacks of magazines I bought. Or playing Uno with my family. Or watching the Red Sox. Or watching DVDs.

As they say around heah, it's a wonduhful life.

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