Saturday, June 24, 2006

Millennium Me

I'm having a lazy Saturday, recovering from a strenuous week of socializing, and gearing up for more.

Last Saturday: Joffrey Ballet black tie benefit in Millennium Park;

performance in the Pritzker (Gehry-designed) Pavilion:

followed by a dinner dance in a huge tent.

Ordinarily I loathe and despise amplified classical music. This is because, unlike Joke, I know lots and lots and LOTS about classical music. But I have to say, the engineers did a superb job designing the sound system for the Pritzker Pavilion.

I was wearing--among other things--these:

and ended up taking them off, not because those are three inch heels, but because the heel strap kept slipping down, which made the shoes want to fall off my feet. I was thisclose to splashing into the Crown fountain:

But cooler heads prevailed.

Monday: evening board meeting followed by dinner out with That Stud Muffin I Married in a gallery on the 12th floor of a building overlooking--you guessed it--Millennium Park.

Thursday: Parkways garden party and luncheon in--no, really--Millennium Park--picture this:

with this:and you have it. Lovely, lovely day, and 700 ladies, 690 of whom were wearing the most amazing hats.

That evening, another black tie benefit, a salute to Balmoral and Queen Elizabeth's 80th birthday. There was tartan. And a piper. And champagne. And I won a door prize.

Friday: dinner out with fiddledeedee and her husband. The most. delicious. shrimp and corn chowder followed by boiled 1 1/4 pound lobster, drawn butter, new potatoes, with fresh berries and whipped cream for dessert.

Tonight: 40th birthday party and roast for a dear friend's husband.

Alas. I have nothing to complain about. And complaining? Is what this blog is all about. But how can I complain without sounding like Marie Antoinette or some such. I can't. So I will shut up before a bunch of French peasants burst into my apartment and cart me off to--it's inevitable, isn't it?--Millennium Park, where the Bean will have been replaced with the Guillotine.

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