Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In which I tell you what's really important.

I'll be the first to admit that it would have blown right by me, if my husband hadn't mentioned it.

I mean, between the headlines about Obama grabbing Wisconsin and Lindsay Lohan's godawful so-called "homage" to the famous Bert Stern/Marilyn Monroe last session photographs and the government finally admitting that the economy is kind of tanking--who realized that there was a total lunar eclipse tonight?

Well, there was. And it was so cool.

I wanted to watch it from the comfort of my house, but the glass in our windows is so old and wavy that I was missing the details, so I went outside to watch--wrapped up in a fur coat because "it's COOOLD out there!"*

When the moon was in the earth's shadow, it had a weird, burnt-umber glow. You could still see the craters, though. And then watching the light get blotted out, and then reappear. What could be better? I can't believe I was thisclose to missing it.

* Note the completely-off-the-subject Groundhog Day quotation. This is as close as I got to being funny tonight. "Hey", as they used to say in the eighteenth century, "even Homer nods."

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