Monday, February 4, 2008

Chick Lit Winner!

Now that I am a practiced random integer generator, what with all these drawings and all, you'd think I'd post the winners of my contests a bit more promptly, wouldn't you?

Well, no you wouldn't. I'm husbanding mah blogging resources, people. You see, as a proud member of Blog365, I'm stretching things out, posting one winner a day. Because you never know--there may come a day when I don't actually have anything to blog about. OK fine, it hasn't happened yet, but you never know. I might hit a dry patch come November.*

So I did my drawing--and then I held back. Until now!

The winner of the chick-lit-with-a-token-book-by-a-man contest is



Jenn Cooks and Footprints on the Moon and a whole lot of other blogs. (Seriously, girl--when will you have time to read all these books?)

Congratulations, Jenn! Email me your snail mail address (to poppy2006 @ and I'll pack up those bad boys and send them out.

To everyone else, thanks for playing!

* Oh great. I just reminded my intestines that I'm planning to blog every day for a year. They appear to think that's a bad idea, and have sent me a shooting pain or two to communicate their displeasure.

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