Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Quiz

Because I didn't get to bed until 3:00 this morning, I am stupid, incoherent, and incapable of blogging. Therefore, I'm making you write today's entry. Just answer the following questions:

1. Spending a weekend in the company of blackbird, Jen Lancaster, Jennifer, Wendy, Carol-in-Texas, and Susie Sunshine is

a. deafening
b. so funny your cheeks hurt from laughing
c. exhausting, exactly the way a marathon sex session should be
d. likely to get you evicted
e. all of the above

2. The majority of the time, blackbird, Poppy, Susie Sunshine, and Wendy were

a. Shopping, eating, talking, and drinking
b. Squabbling over who was sleeping where, and with whom
c. Swearing like fish wives
d. Taking incriminating pictures to upload to their blogs
e. Sitting around in their bikini panties, doing each others' hair and nails, and playing Barbie's Dream Date

3. Jennifer's Saturday night cocktail party really started to get good when

a. Poppy started drinking her fifth glass of wine
b. To make a very important point, Poppy started simulating giving oral sex
c. Poppy volunteered her services as a singer in her hostess's a capella group, and after she was politely turned down, insisted on singing "Happy Birthday" to her hostess. At the top of her lungs.
d. Jennifer started serving Jell-O shots
e. All of the above

3. One of the following did NOT happen:

a. blackbird and Poppy posed for Lesbian pictures

b. blackbird, Poppy, and Wendy discovered that they speak fluent Australian
c. Jen, Fletch, Susie Sunshine, blackbird, Poppy, Wendy, Carol-in-Texas, and Mr. Buxom rampaged through an empty model apartment commenting loudly on how grossly overpriced and underwhelming it was
d. Poppy spent all of Saturday afternoon cleaning and tidying her apartment and making it lovely and welcoming for her internet friends

4. Every single woman in Poppy's apartment owns a pair of Nick and Nora Sock Monkey Slippers except:

a. blackbird
b. Poppy
c. Susie Sunshine
d. Wendy

5. The single sexiest article of clothing worn to Jennifer's cocktail party on Saturday night was definitely

a. blackbird's black elbow-length Gypsy Rose Lee kid gloves
b. Susie Sunshine's amazing exploding white blouse
c. Wendy's low-cut chocolate brown velvet cocktail dress
d. Poppy's granny pants

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