Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Lorina and Alice Liddell
Originally uploaded by Trilby.
I continue to completely abuse my flickr account by grabbing images from where ever the hell I want and uploading them.

Today I was feeling inspired from a visit I made to Tania's blog. She has a little place over on the right side, under links and archives and such for displaying images. At the time it was Beardsley's The Peacock Skirt from Oscar Wilde's Salomé.

So because I copy all the great ideas I come across (isn't that what the internet is for? At least in part?) I figured I'd look for an image to upload. Because we all need more beauty in our lives.

So I decided to upload a Lewis Carroll photograph for a bunch of reasons:

1. Carroll's photographs are beautiful. Last fall I went to an exhibit of them at the Art Institute of Chicago, and they're incredible.
2. They're technically amazing--creating albumen prints was arduous. Even posing for them was difficult.
3. They represent a side of Carroll that most people know nothing about.
4. The pretty little girl on the right is Alice Liddell, for whom Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland.
4. The very Victorian subject matter, particularly the chinoiserie aspects makes me think deep thoughts about imperialism, race, and cultural appropriation.
5. The Michael Jackson trial has me thinking other deep thoughts about the place of children in society. As in when does appreciation become exploitation?

Whatever else a photograph represents, it represents our attempt to capture a moment, which is of course, the one thing we actually can't do. So in that sense, every photograph is about loss--whether of the moment, youth, a certain innocence, what you were thinking when you snapped the shutter--what you were when you snapped the shutter. But in every photograph, we do manage to capture at least some aspect of life's fullness, and the fact that someone, somewhere appreciated it.

So--please find this photograph beautiful; personally, I think we owe it to Charles Dodgson/Lewis Carroll, not to mention the Liddell sisters.


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