Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blissdom is the greatest! Part Deux

OK, now I can really act as if Blissdom has actually started. When in fact, it hasn't. Although I managed to go to two Wisdom Workshops. So if you're unaware of the existence of Kelby Carr and Ang England, you need to clean up your act pronto because they totally know everything about SEO.

Also Susan Getgood, Shelly Kramer, and Lucretia Pruitt know everything about social media.

Also, I'm drunk. Weight Watchers is an excellent weight-loss program but it really doesn't allow for a lot of alcohol, so tonight I had two Manhattans and a vodka and grapefruit and that is WAY MOAR BOOZE than I usually drink, so whoopee!!!

Here's some advice for you: go to blogging conferences. They are awesome. Once you get there, follow Alli Worthington around. Stick to her like glue. You will have fun.

The end.

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