Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blogger is the new mullet

It's not fashionable to like Blogger. I know.

I know that Movable Type and Wordpress are more powerful and flexible and blah blah blah blah blah.

I know that using Blogger is like having an in your email address. It's like using webtv to surf the web. It's for dweebs and n00bs and people with low self-esteem.

I know that if you're sitting in a room full of people in a seminar on blog design run by Mishelle Lane, Leslie Flinger, and Deanna Garretson, and Megan from Velveteen Mind is running around with the microphone so people can be heard when they ask questions, and asks a few of her own because that's the way she is--and it's delightful, but I digress--and you hear:

"How many of you are still using the standard blogging template?"

and you raise your hand, you will feel like the only person in the room still wearing a mullet.

But there are things about Blogger I really like. For one thing, it's really easy for me to customize my links list. And Blogger sorts my links by time of update.

Which means sometimes I check my blog, and a super-popular blogger like Jen Lancaster or Finslippy will have just updated. Which means I can head right over there and be the first to comment.

Call me immature, but being able to type "FIRST, BITCHESSS!!11!11!!!" really makes my day.

And I just know that if I switch to Movable Type or Wordpress, I won't be able do that.

So this is how it stands: not long ago, post Blissdom09, when the peer pressure was really getting to me, I broke down and bought my domain name.

Yes, I'm the proud owner of But Blogger, I can't quit you. The whole looking for a host/designer/administrator thing I did recently for Mamarazzi? I'm just not ready to go through that again.

What's a girl to do?

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