Monday, February 16, 2009

I was thisclose to losing it. Thank God there's school tomorrow.

You know, I adore the idea of homeschooling. I really do.

Let's face it; public school can be so public. So not-tailored-to-the individual. So dumbed down (when it's not spinning my kids' brains around like a game of crack the whip.)

And that's just the intellectual side of things. What about the social and emotional aspects of child development? I mean, do I necessarily think my kids are ready to hear about sexually transmitted diseases? At length? With slides? Not really. (It might be age-level-appropriate when viewed in the very big picture, but frankly, I do not need two skeeved-out children to deal with at once, thankyouverymuch, public school system. Also? Some warning would have been nice.)

On the other hand ... today was President's Day, so they were home. And they had Friday off, too. For a four-day weekend. And the rest of last week was occupied with nursing my daughter through some cold or flu thing.

So public school? You're taking them back tomorrow. They and their ridiculous sibling rivalry are getting out of my house, do you hear me, property tax assessors? We pay a ridiculous amount of money to live here, and I want my "free" babysitting.

Or before you know it I'll out front chewing up municipal property out of sheer frustration.

I'm thinking of starting with a couple of trees, and then graduating to the sidewalks.

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