Sunday, November 23, 2008

How do they know that George W. Bush's IQ is 125? And other questions.

1. I've started stockpiling non-perishable food, paper goods, and cleaning supplies. Is this an irrational reaction to the country's current financial crisis, and if so, will I get better soon? I ask because pretty soon I won't be able to get into my laundry room. Those eight-packs of paper towels are taking up a LOT of room.

2. When I got home from church today, my husband had baked a pecan pie AND fixed the broken drawer in the master bathroom AND cleaned up the kitchen AND bought and installed a new electrical outlet. Is it true, as I suspect, that he's just trolling for a really good Christmas present?

3. Speaking of Christmas, how much should I hate my neighbors for having their Christmas wreaths and garlands and lights up--some of which were installed by professionals? In my opinion, on a sliding scale between 1 and 10, this rates an 8. Am I being too harsh?

4. We're watching Grey's Anatomy on DVD. It's such a silly show. It's like a soap opera, but with flashes of humor, and much better production values, and with stories that make satisfying stand-alone narratives--except broadcast at night, and only once a week instead of every day. So OK, not that much like a soap opera. But just as silly. Should I be ashamed of how much I enjoy it?

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