Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Live-blogging an 11-year-old TV program

Hey, I could have live-blogged the first episode of season five of House (which was awesome) but I had to record it because it's on ridiculously early here in the wholesome midwest.

And I didn't watch The Biggest Loser, either, even though last year at this time I was live-blogging about the man-boobs, or moobs.

So now I'm catching up with the 1990s, a period of time when I was either working on a Ph.D. or having babies and was basically too busy and/or brain-dead to watch a lot of television. I remember watching Northern Exposure and Third Rock from the Sun. And there was always MST3K. But I've never watched Buffy.

Not even one episode.

I know, right? The show that everyone says is the best show ever, and I've never seen it. Until now. Episode 1, Season 1 is playing--via Flixter--in a different window while I blog this.

So now you're dying to hear my reaction to this amazing cultural icon, right?

OK. I hate to say it, but horror is really not my thing. Call me crazy, but I tend to get creeped out by it. However, I'm a fairly adaptable curmudgeon, and I figure I'll get used to it. Vampires are way trendy right now. Again. I mean, they're sort of a classic ... Bela Lugosi, Dark Shadows, Anne Rice novels, Twilight ... it seems every decade has its vampire story.

But the Buffy seems so sort of ... well, simultaneously gory and stupid that I'm mostly watching the clothes.

I mean, come on, teenaged girls with pants that go all the way up to their waists? What could be more fascinating? They couldn't be more exotic if they were wearing Gibson Girl shirtwaists or bobby socks and poodle skirts.

So tell me. What's your take on Buffy?

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