Friday, June 13, 2008

Mamarazzi cross post: Posh flip-flops

Because the comments at Mamarazzi are still scrod, I thought I'd follow SarahO's example and cross post today's entry here. That way if you are moved to weigh in, you can.

"Fershlugginer Movable Type dickweed website of the utmost in douchebaggery," she muttered darkly to herself.

You know how sometimes you pick a supermarket line not because it's shorter than the others, but because it has better trashy magazines?

And how you maybe don't want to admit it, but you check out Perez Hilton, D-Listed, or every single day?

And how you justify buying Posh Spice's book because it will be really useful research for a Mamarazzi post?

Oh, that last part? You mean it was just us? Well, OK. Confession time: one of us bought a copy of That Extra Half an Inch. Because she thought it might come in handy when she needed material for a Mamarazzi post.

The Gospel According to Posh

And it just did.

There are certainly some howlers in this book, as well as plenty of evidence that this edition was rushed through the American press (newsflash for British editors: Americans don't know what "the high street" is.) But unfortunately, the fact remains that Posh's advice about shoes is actually pretty good.

Which brings us to this photograph of Posh and Becks at Disneyland:

Posh and Becks and boys at Disneyland

For the record, in the book she recommends Havaianas because "they come in great colours [sic] and are probably the first flip-flops ever not to rub painfully between your toes, thanks to their satin-soft rubber."

So while she never says "For God's sake, wear comfortable shoes to trudge through Disneyland with your hunky husband and three sons!" it's clear from the picture that the girl still knows her flip-flops.

We know.

Is there a fancy German compound word for the crushing sense of disappointment we feel in seeing the Beckhams looking and acting so--well--normal?

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