Sunday, August 20, 2006


The weather is reminding me that my summer vacation is almost over. This morning it was pouring rain. I woke up to loud claps of thunder, sheets of rain crashing down on the skylights--the whole bit.

My in-laws were visiting, and we had planned on going out and mooching around town. Except in the pouring rain, this was not so appealing. Instead we went to a local pub where we ate a heavily fried, cheesed-up, chip-accompanied, dessert-laden lunch, which seemed to suit the weather, and then splashed over to Bow Street to visit Tug Boat Alley, because they sell the best sweatshirts in town.

I'm wearing one right now.

The in-laws came back and hung out with us, but honestly, there is only so much time I want to spend talking to my in-laws. It being rainy, I thought it would be a good idea to talk my father-in-law, husband, and son into moving a very heavy particle-board bookshelf up the stairs from the dining room to my husband's study. And I, rather than helping to move the bookshelf, could document this historic event with my groovy new camera.

Three generations of Buxoms hard at work.

Then a mere mouthful for dinner, because of the fried cheese for lunch. And then? A bottle of wine and the chance to watch Sideways.

Well. My title expresses my feelings about that.

p.s. It's finally cool enough to burn candles. Here are some on the mantel, along with strands of seashell-shaped Christmas tree lights.

Martha Stewart, eat your heart out.

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