Monday, October 5, 2009

Sometimes I think I'll never have time to blog again.

So for now, some topics, to flesh out when (if?) I have time. WITH DOOCE CAPS FOR HUMOROUS EFFECT.

1. Back to school continues to kick my ass. Big time. Maybe I'd feel better if I developed a peptic ulcer or a hysterical pregnancy or some other psychosomatic ailment so it wouldn't just be my brain freaking out all by itself. Wouldn't hives be a pleasant distraction from reality?

2. My mother has joined FaceBook. And friended me. Not just me, as in Real Name me, but also as Poppy Buxom. What if she finds my blog and reads it and discovers that I KNOW HOW TO SWEAR?

3. I'm blogging about celebrities on Mondays and Fridays at Mamarazzi. Also, today I blogged about the tragedy of Maybelline's discontinuation of my beloved Drippin' Honey lipstick over at BlogHer. Please to read and comment.

4. I've realized that the daily crap (cooking, cleaning up the kitchen, laundry, grocery shopping, decluttering, bill paying, topping off the underwear drawers) is more than enough to fill my days and I really shop STOP with the volunteer work. I should tell Girl Scouts, my church choir, the Joffrey Ballet, the Colonial Dames, and the English-Speaking Union to suck it.

5. I just agreed to continue being the recording secretary for one of these groups.

6. We went to a black-tie dinner dance on Friday night. My mother got a vicarious thrill out of it, but I'd rather have been watching a DVD.

7. I went to England. In August. And have hundreds of pictures to post/talk about. Still.

8. My phone won't stop ringing. I just don't answer it any more or I'd never get anything done. Honestly, how do you other housewives talk on the phone all day? You do, don't you? I mean, that's not just a stereotype, right?

9. I went rummage sale-ing with Wendy last Thursday. It was awesome! Wait 'til you see the gorgeous chair I bought for the deluxe apartment in the sky. IT IS FABULOUS.

10. I hear somebody leaving a really long message on my answering machine. I'd better go and check it out. Maybe it will be an INTERESTING BLOG TOPIC.

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