Monday, September 7, 2009

The best thing I can say about Labor Day is that I'm not actually in labor.

1. Yes, I have today off, but

2. The girl still hasn't started school, which means

3. It really doesn't feel like a holiday, because holiday from what? Sitting around in our pajamas?

4. And it turns out I actually do have frozen shoulder, which means the next month is

5. Packed full of physical therapy appointments.

6. On the bright side, I thought I was going to have to post to Mamarazzi, but both the lovely Kristin and the sociopathological Susie Sunshine have already posted.

7. Which means all I had to do was come up with a post for BlogHer Beauty Hacks. So I did. Something about stretching a thong over my face and calling it makeup, but you know what? I'm not really clear on the concept because

8. I still have frozen shoulder and IT HURTS.

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