Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Lenten Light Bulb

Today I went over to Sarah O's blog and read about her passion for Hershey's Reese's eggs.

And it struck me. That's what I should give up for Lent! Easter candy!

See, for some reason, it wouldn't actually occur to me to eat Easter candy until the day itself. This is probably because while I like candy as much as the next fat American, I don't buy it for myself.

I do buy it for my kids, though. Or for other people's kids, as in Halloween. But even when I do that, the candy stays in the bag until it's time to put it in baskets, stockings, or the lobster kettle I use as a Halloween candy holding doohickey because I'm a cheap bastid from New England who wouldn't spend money on one of those cutesie Halloween-themed bowls.

So actually, giving up Easter candy for Lent would be a really painless sacrifice. Which is naturally, my favorite kind. But if I play my cards right--say, spend a little extra time hovering around the candy section of Walgreen's--I can even feel all deprived and virtuous and shit like that.

So get behind me jellybeans

and Cadbury Creme Eggs

and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs

and Peeps

Because I'm going to resist you until Easter Sunday.

But just to prove that I'm open-minded when it comes to OTHER PEOPLE'S GLUTTONY, Sarah? This is an early Easter gift for you that I found on the Hershey's web site.

Look closely--Hershey's totally has your number.

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