Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hawthorne could make a story out of this material.

Or maybe Edith Wharton. But life lately has been a round of family visits, eating, and shawpin.

And there just doesn't seem to be much to say. Not until I recover from the visits.

I mean, it's OK to have visitors. The problem with visitors isn't the extra laundry and cleaning. It's that you have to pay attention to them. You have to listen to them talk. And you have to talk to them. That's tiring enough, but you also end up changing the way you behave to adapt to their idea of what's fun. And so, because my sister is a shop-o-holic, I've been going shopping.

Now, internet, if you are interested in hearing the tale of our trip to Best Buy, WalMart, and Barnes and Nobles, let me know. It sounds dull to me, but then, my idea of big fun is taking pictures of other people's vanity license plates. (And if I'm not doing that, I'm sitting around in my pajamas drinking caffeinated beverages and reading your blogs.)

I'll tell you one thing you might not have figured out.

When I was at Barnes and Noble, I bought

some clip art.

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