Wednesday, January 19, 2005

In which I discover the secret of time travel

This is a momentous occasion for me, a somewhat elderly Humanities geek trying to survive in a world of technology-savvy whippersnapping whiz kids.

You see, ever since I started this blog, I've been consumed with envy of the links on my pal Badger's blog, and I badly wanted to add links to mine. Even though this meant two things: 1) figuring out how to get at a bunch of html code and 2) altering it without totally screwing up my blog.

And this is precisely what I've managed to do, and with very little trouble, I might add. Plus I only messed up once and had to go delete a few extra http://s that sneaked into my urls when I wasn't looking.

So now I have links. And pretty soon, I'm going to work up the courage to get rid of the default link--the one to googlenews. (Which is a really lame news site, so I guess some kickbacks are happening here. Everyone knows that for news you go to Yahoo. Or the New York Times, if you're feeling particularly leftie-bolshie.)

Anyway, it's not nearly often enough that I find an exciting new way to waste time via computer, so I am thrilled. My last major time-waster--other than this blog, of course--was when I discovered Snood, and that was a while ago. So this is perfect. I can think of no better time-waster than learning a goofy chatty programming language in order to endlessly tweak and perfect the appearance of text on a computer screen.

I have no doubt that my newly-found desire to learn html will occupy the next few years of my life. How much do you want to bet that I end up with a website? With backgrounds and links to various loserish web-rings and a counter to keep track of how many people aren't visiting it and cheesey moop-beep music playing seasonal ditties like "Deck the Halls" while badly animated snowflakes drift down the monitor.

So you see, the way I look at it, in another year, it'll be 1996.


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